About Me

Thanks for stopping by and welcome to my little corner of blogland! If you choose to hang around for awhile (which I SO hope you will do), I think you will quickly find I am just a normal girl living a normal life with a few curve balls thrown in for good measure. It was the dodging of a curve ball called "empty-nest syndrome" following closely on the heels of a fast ball called "divorce" that prompted me to start writing. And oh what a gift that was to myself! Once I started, I couldn't stop!

I like to think of this space as my cyber living room where we curl up on the sofa with our drink of choice and yuk it up over whatever is the pressing subject of the day. Because of that, you will quickly find I cover a multitude of topics. While I would never be arrogant enough to think my writing style or my personality will appeal to everyone, I do like to think there is something here for most.

Below I've documented a bit about who I was, where I've been and where I am right now. Please feel free to roam around and make yourself comfortable. And while posts are more or less a one-sided conversation, I hope you will consider leaving a comment or two if for no other reason than to say you've dropped by. I've developed some strong and lasting friendships during my time here in blogville and I can think of nothing better than to add another to the list.



Who I Was...

I was the stereotypical "soccer mom"...even though only one of my kids played soccer and only for one season. While I didn't find myself whiling away the hours at the local soccer field, I did spend an enormous amount of time supporting my kids in other activities. Hundreds of miles were logged as I traveled in a constant circle to and from schools' playing fields, auditoriums and gymnasiums. Try-outs, practices, games, fund-raisers, banquets, performances, exhibits...you name it... I attended it. Always wanting to be the most supportive mom possible, I rarely missed anything and volunteered for everything.

Such was my life as a mom for 20+ years.

My married life could be likened to a modern day "Stepford Wife" existence. My husband and I owned our own utility construction company and claimed all the rewards and hardships that come with said ownership. In addition to working with my husband, I cooked, cleaned, entertained and maintained an uber-organized home. I gladly threw aside my career goals to take on the role of supportive wife.

Such was my life as a wife for 18+ years.

Church was a place I frequented to feed my spirit and fill my soul. Not wanting to only be a "taker", I was determined to be a "giver" here as well. I volunteered my time as a keyboard player, a small group leader, a Vacation Bible School director and Sunday School teacher. I was on countless committees, was a member of weekly Bible study groups and participated in local missions.

Such was my life as a Christian for 30+ years.

For as long as I can remember, life as I knew it was "stupid" busy but I didn't want it any other way. To the outside world, I seemed to have it all. My kids were smart and focused, well-behaved and well-rounded, popular and cool. My husband was good-looking, driven and successful. What more could I want?

Such was my life...

Who I Am...

As would be expected, my time as a mom came to an end. Those well-rounded kids grew up. They are out making their way in this big old world. They are still smart, focused, well-behaved, well-rounded, popular and cool. As their mom, I couldn't be more proud. But I miss them.

Such is my life as an empty-nester.

There is truth in the saying, things aren't always as them seem. Never could this be more true than where my marriage was concerned. My husband was good-looking, driven and successful...but in the end he wasn't committed. My life as a wife ended in 2005. In the beginning, it was brutal. But with time and patience I healed and even found love again. It was a long distance relationship that lasted 3 years. I thought I had finally reached my "happily ever after". We were engaged to be married. Now we are not.

Such is my life as a single girl.

Somewhere along the way I changed. I no longer focus on "doing". I'm more concerned with the impact I make. Rather than looking around for answers, I strive to keep my gaze always upward, all the while working to drown out the voices of this world in order to hear the One True Voice.

Such is my life as a Christ follower.

Often times we take things for granted. This past year, I had to face this fact for I had been taking one very important thing for granted...my health. August 12, 2010 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer. It was extremely aggressive so we treated it aggressively. I fought the fight and relied on my faith to carry me through. It wasn't easy but I did it. Treatments are over and I am cancer free.

Such is my life as a cancer survivor.

Life has proven you never know what you are going to get. So I'm learning to live in the moment...to laugh my way through the tough stuff...to get where I'm going by Takin' Life One Day At A Time.