(edited: Please read the earth shaking news at the bottom. Wellllll, at least it's rockin' my world! )How on earth did things get so out of control?!?!? I swear I was on top of my blog posts, my blog reading, my photography class, work...everything. Then BOOM! I go on a week-long vacation and 2 long weekend get-aways and I'm sinking. No. Make that drowning! Why is it that when things are good it is ALL good but when things are crazy ain't nothin' goin' your way? When I pull out the country slang, folks, times are tough! Please don't think I am complaining, I'm just setting the scene for this post. I guess I'm presenting my excuses right out of the gate as to why this post is way over due.
In the past 2 weeks, I have received several awards and tags. And wouldn't you know, I'm behind in posting them. So I figured why not wrap them all up into one super special post where I can send out some love to the ladies who sent them my way.
First up is an award from a very special new blog friend,
Jay. I only started visiting Jay recently but I'm so glad we found each other. She is such a creative scrapper with an artistic edge. Her projects are pure eye candy. Be sure and check out her blog to see her lovely creations.

A few days later, I received this book tag from
Christy and
Vicki. I came across Christy's blog just as she was heading off on a cruise. We exchanged a few emails about the ports of call and I feel like I've made a new best friend! This sweetheart recently announced she is expecting her first child! She is also a teacher and is in the process of making some adorable little projects for her classroom. Vicki is also a new friend. Her blog is such a treat and her scrapping style is AMAZING! She blows me away with her designs.
So this is what I'm suppose to do:
1. Collect the book that you have most handy
2. Turn to page 161
3. Find the 5th complete sentence
4. Cite the sentence on your blog
5. Pass it on to 5 other victims (Oops! bloggers)
So now you guys get to see what a true nerd I am. Please note that No. 1 said "Collect the book you have most handy"...emphasis on "
most handy". Uhhhhh, that would be The Essentials of Finance and Accounting. Yeah, you read that right. *sigh* I think I need a life. *double sigh* So just go ahead and close your eyes, jump ahead or do whatever you need to do because the sentence I'm getting ready to type will be the most boring thing you've ever read. Here goes:
"If the annual cash inflows are different, the method described here will work, but since the formula will include each cash flow amount multiplied by the present value factor for that amount, more trial and error will be required."
Can you believe I
actually read this stuff????
This next award is extra special. It is a Friend Award and over the course of several days, I received it from several special ladies.
Jessi W. &
Lisa S. all passed this one along to me.

Of course, so many of you know my wonderful gal pals Jocelyn, Julie and Lisa. Jocelyn has been a blog friend from the very beginning. We talk on the phone often and she is a truly wonderful scrapper. The fabulous Lisa S. has also been a friend from early on. If you are looking for some amazing eye candy just hop on over to her blog! And Julie, well, I call Julie SUPERWOMAN! This lady has more irons in the fire than anyone I know AND she continually cranks out gorgeous LO after gorgeous LO! One of these days I am going to twist her arm and make her share her secret for "doing it all". Now I can't forget Jessi. I only found Jessi a few days ago but I am so very glad I did. I am having the most fun getting to know her and again, her scrapping talent is phenomenal!
The last shout out goes to
Christine. She tagged me with this:

Before I get into the details of the tag, I have to say that Christine is a pure delight. I have been reading her blog for awhile now and I just adore her. I recommend you stop by and see what she is up to. You will be greeted with heartwarming posts and some fabulous inspiration.
So this tag requires that I post 10 honest facts about myself...little known facts that most of you wouldn't know. I did this several weeks ago, but it was so much fun I thought I would try to come up with 10 more. Here goes...
1. My brain requires all things to be even...I need balance. Like when I'm working out, I do things in equal numbers. If I start an exercise on the left side,the next set must start on the right and all reps must be the same. When eating, if I chew on one side, I must also give equal time to the other side. You would think it would make me crazy trying to keep things even, but it really keeps me sane.
2. I am extremely patient but when the patience is gone you had better look out. I hate to admit it, but I have a temper.
3. I can forgive most anything. I have a high level of tolerance and try to understand the motivation behind the action.
4. Due to alcoholism in my mother's family, I refrained from drinking until I was in my very late 20's. Growing up in a Southern Baptist church I was taught that drinking was of the devil and of course I wanted no part of that. The first drink I had left me seriously tipsy...and I was with my mother at the time. LOL!
5. Speaking of drinking, I am a teaspoon drinker...or as some would say...a cheap drunk to this day. Doesn't really matter because I very rarely drink.
6. In honor of summer, I will share that while I have medium to fair skin, I hardly ever burn. I can sit in the sun for hours with a low SPF and not get a thing. Keith is very dark skinned but will burn in half the time with the same amount of protection. Strange????
7. At the age of 5, I was diagnosed with a fatal disease. It is now known that the childhood form of the illness is not as often fatal as the adult form. I am fortunate enough to also only suffer mild side effects from the disease.
8. I am a firm believer in the power of prayer. I have a wonderfully moving story to share about this but I will save it for another day.
9. I competed in a beauty pageant when I was 18. I nailed the interview, did OK in the swimsuit portion, LOVED my evening gown and I had a jaw-dropping piano piece for my talent. All was going well until I went to perform my piano solo...and totally drew a blank!!! So....I just made something up. Talk about pulling something out of thin air! Didn't even remotely come close to the original piece but it did fool a few folks! Ha!
10. I've always dreamed of living in New York City. Of course I would want a glamorous life style to go along with that dream. I grew up a country girl and I still have a love of all things country running through my veins but I could so be a city girl as well. I would probably have to lose my southern accent though. I have a feeling I would never fit in otherwise. LOL!
So here comes the impossible part. I am suppose to pass each of these to several different bloggers and friends. Can anyone tell me just how I'm suppose to pick and choose??? My answer is that anyone who leaves a comment on this post can claim any of the above awards and tags. I would love for you all to have these and I can't wait to read your honest facts!
Here's hoping you have a wonderful Wednesday!
Hugs & Love,
Guess what???? I just found out I made the DT at Serendipity Scrapbooks!!!! I am shocked...thrilled...and ready to pass out! Catch me or scrape me off the floor...either will do! WooHoo!!!!!