Thursday, April 30, 2009
AWOL - Again!
I've been able to catch up with several of you and I am still working my way through my blog roll. I hope to stop by and visit everyone before I shut out the world for a few days. I'll be thinking about you all...knowing you awesomely talented gals will be doing some amazing things for National Scrapbook Day! Can't wait to see all of your creative genius next week. Hugs and LOVE from me to YOU!!!
One More Thing: Discovered another fantastic blog with a RAK if you are interested! To get the details, go HERE!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Her Day + My Day = TOO MUCH CAKE!!!
Thought I would give you a quick run down of the whirlwind of activity from last week. We had THE best time! Take a look!
Her Day
Keri actually had two days of celebrating. Tuesday was an early celebration with my Mom. Keri had to come to Asheville for a doctor's appointment so we took advantage of her being in town and had a girl's night.
It started with dinner at Outback where Mom had them deliver complimentary ice cream sundaes with their version of the Happy Birthday song. I can never pass on Hot Fudge, so of course I had a few bites. We then headed home to watch American Idol and feast on this scrumptious cake.
The lady I work with, Cathy, is married to a world-class pastry chef. One of his specialties is this carrot cake. It is his own special award-winning recipe. My mouth waters just thinking about it.
This was Keri's only request for her birthday...carrot cake...just MORE proof she is my daughter. lol!
I behaved and only had a super small piece. But what a fantastic treat for the taste buds!!! We had an incredible evening. My mom is a riot and the laughter was constant!
On to her real day...Friday! For her true birthday party, we had a Keri-oke party! Get it? *snort* There is this incredible little sushi restaurant in downtown Athens where you can rent karaoke party rooms. We had a group of approximately 20 college kids and the old folks (Keri's dad, me and Keith). It was an absolute BLAST!

The young folk were so much fun! Lots of eating, singing and dancing! Here is where the cookie cake and traditional birthday cake made their appearance. Again, I was well behaved and only ate a small piece of each. Good thing. By this time I was on sugar overload!
Side Note
I cannot forget to mention another birthday celebration last week. My co-worker, the one with the awesome baker of a husband, also had a birthday...the day before Keri's! We celebrated her big day with lemon tarts and raspberry scones. If I didn't love Cathy so much and my moral compass was more askew, I would have to try to steal her hubby away from! You cannot imagine how incredible his baked goods are. And he continually spoils her with her favorite treats! Wouldn't you know, she is a tall, skinny thing too! Again, if I didn't love her, I would HATE her!!!
You Say Sushi. I Say "Shoo"-shi.
I mentioned Keri's party was at a sushi restaurant. I must admit, I am not a fan. The taste...the senses revolt at the mere thought! Raw fish? Really?
But I was feeling adventurous Friday night. I guess that's what happens when you get old! You are no longer afraid to try things. You start realizing your days are numbered so you might as well give it a go as you may not get another chance! So I took my leap of faith on a sushi roll!
Got to admit, this one was VERY good! I'm not sure what was in it and quite honestly, I don't think I want to know. But it was fantastic! It might have helped that is was 10:30 at night and I was ravenous. It took me the better part of the party to decide on what to order. I waited to see what everyone else got before placing my order. I had an ulterior motive for waiting. I assumed if they didn't die from consuming raw meat, then I would probably be OK. When my selection arrived, I scarfed it down at such a rapid rate I don't think the taste registered until the last few bites. And I have evidence to prove this point. It wasn't until I had cleaned my plate that I noticed the unbelievable burning sensation on my lips and tongue! I had no clue it was going to be that spicy! And no, I did not eat wasabi. At least I don't think I did! My tongue has not been the same since!
My Day
A final day to celebrate! Thank goodness!!! My fun time began on Friday at work. My boss took Cathy and me to a wonderful restaurant downtown as a treat for our birthdays. He insisted we order dessert. We tried to resist, but he would not listen. We ordered flour-less molten chocolate cake to share. Delicious, but rich! Then back at the office we had red velvet cupcakes from the local bakery! By this point, my resolve was gone and I ate my entire cupcake. YUM!
On to actual birthday! I had asked Keith to share a day on the lake with me. He was all too eager to grant that wish. Lots of sunshine, gentle breezes, great music and speedy rides across the water! A bit of heaven on earth. We had a combo lunch/dinner at the marina. Dining alfresco while listening to a one-man-band playing Bob Marley and James Taylor. Perfection! Rather than gorge myself on more cake, I took the unconventional route and requested cake batter ice cream from Cold Stone as a late night treat. My FAVE!!!
I'm sure most of you are sitting there wondering how in the world one person could consume so much sugar in just a few days. Well, guess what? I'm wondering the exact same thing! If I hadn't lived it, I wouldn't believe it!
Now, I must go and find a crash diet to help shed the extra poundage! Why is it you can gain 5 pounds in 3 days, but it takes 3 months to lose those same 5 pounds??????? Geez!!!!!!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
It's Finally Time!!!
Now for the winner. I want to explain my process before I tell you who won. Consider it that commercial break they always take on TV just before making a big announcement. The one that always comes, yet you watch in anticipation, thinking just this once they will cut to the chase. But it never happens. *sigh*
So I had three ways for you to enter. Of course, I only made one mandatory, but you guys blew me away. A huge percentage of you did all 3! I debated the most fair way to select the winner and this is what I came up with. Each eligible comment was assigned a consecutive number, followed by a number being given for linking me to your blog and then one for becoming a follower. I assigned the additional entry numbers in the same order as the comments were made. Make sense? Then I plugged those numbers into the random number generator and it spit out the winning number. And that belongs to Staci Taylor!!!!
Congratulations Staci!!!! Please email me your mailing address and I will get your big bag of goodies off to you!
I cannot begin to express my gratitude for the response to this post. You far exceeded any expectations I had for this fun little game. And believe me when I say, I feel truly honored that you all were so willing to take the time to comment with such gusto and share your friends with me. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!
Much love,
P.S. Got to share! Kim is doing a great give away for National Scrapbook Day! Be sure to check out her blog HERE!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Holy Moly!
Just wanted to check in and let you guys know how much I appreciate you. Of course the contest is still open for a few more days. Just be sure to refer to my previous post to get the details. This has been the craziest week and it appears it will only get crazier. Unlike last week's marathon-of-Mondays, this week is filled with activity of the best kind. I am lucky enough to share an almost birthday with my daughter. She will turn 19 on Friday while I will turn ??? on Saturday. Lots of travel, family time and cake! YUM! YUM! Good news is, unlike the chocolate cheesecake bites, I don't have to hide in my locked car in broad daylight to enjoy the! (re: "I Have A Tummy Ache")
I won't be posting for a few days due to all the festivities. But I have so much to share next week starting with the winner of the give away! I will be stopping by to say hello to everyone as time allows. Know I'm thinking about you guys and missing my blog buddies!
Before I go, I want to leave you with a pic of my birthday girl!
Hope the remainder of the week and the weekend is filled with love and laughter! XOXO
P.S. I cannot leave without giving you something to giggle over. This chuckle comes by way of my good blogging buddy, ellen. This girl is not only insanely talented, she is always leaving wickedly funny comments. We have so much in common...except for the fact that I am neither insanely talented nor wickedly funny. She left this comment on my give away post.
"i linked you to my post this a.m. i was going to put 'not only is she giving away some awesome RAKS she has a big one too'! but i figured that was a bit inappropriate since i linked that post to the BTA contest, lmbo!"
Of course I had to thank her for not telling all the world about my big RAK...because of course I already had! (re: "Taming 'The Girls'")
Thursday, April 16, 2009
A Gift For You... To Celebrate! (aka RAK)
OK. OK. So I cannot tell a lie. I will be turning forty-four. So many years of living and learning, stumbling and celebrating. Allow me a brief moment of reflection, but life has dealt me a few crazy cards...challenges and triumphs. And I can say with all out certainty...I have loved every wacky, deranged, kooky minute of it.
But enough about me. I want to talk about YOU! In honor of my big day, I want to do a give-away. This is not just any particular give-away. I have been purging and cleaning my scrap room for over a month. The collection of much loved extras has been growing by leaps and bounds. I am wanting to pare down to the essentials...well, not totally...but I have way too many treasures to be able to fully appreciate them all. So I thought, why not pass them on to a new home where they can be loved and coddled. What??? Doesn't everyone pamper and pet their scrapping stash?
Take a look at this.

And this:

And this too:

Many of these items come from various kits I've purchased over the past year. They are always so product heavy, I could never possibly use it all. A few pieces of paper have been cut, but the remaining portion is substantial enough that I decided to include them. Same goes for a few of the embellishments. I have also included a few oldies but goodies. There are stamps, rub-ons, stickers, ribbon...the list goes on.
Details. Details. Of course, I will want something from you in return. I will try to keep it as painless as possible. I have 3 requests and only one is required to win. But before I issue my wants, I need to share my reasons for them. This blog has become a sort of home for me. A place where I can unload my thoughts giving no mind as to how nutty I sound. I can be me without reservation. And you have welcomed me. Accepted me. Made me smile, laugh, cry. You've helped me keep my focus on the important things in life...relationships! This is my way of sending you a thank you and a hug.
So here goes. Request number 1, otherwise known as the mandatory eligibility requirement. Leave a comment on this post. The catch...tell me which of my posts has been your favorite. Yeah, I had to get a few compliments worked into is my birthday you know.
Requests 2...not required but would be appreciated. If you wish, please link this post on your blog. Reason? I am always looking to expand my circle of blogging friends. And you know how it goes. Someone from your blog sees my give away. They come to my blog. I go to their blog. And so on. And so on. And so on. Worst case, more people have a chance to win, and I will get the gift of another blogger to stalk.
Finally, request number 3...also not required. Become a follower of my blog. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you why...I need the ego boost! Watching that little counter go up...ahhhhhh...just makes me feel special! (And you know you want to make me feel special, 'cuz it is my birthday.) As an added little bonus for these efforts, you will receive an additional entry into the drawing. If you are already a follower, I will be sure to add your name an extra time for already meeting this request.
You have until midnight on Saturday, April 25th, my actual birthday. That's just over a week. Plenty of time to think of the best way to leave me a little love about my wonderful blogging skills. You know, I really am full of myself tonight. lol! I will randomly draw the winner and post the lucky recipients name on Monday the 27th.
Now I'm off to find something for my sweet tooth. All this talk of birthdays has created a hankerin' for some cake and ice cream!!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Going In Circles Trying To Catch Myself and A Tag!
There was, however, a very bright spot among all the madness. Two of my most favorite blog friends tagged me with a little award. These two are THE most encouraging, creative, precious ladies! Thank you Jocelyn and Kristii for the honor!
Here are the rules:
1. The winner may put the logo on their blog.
2. Put a link to the person who sent you the award.
3. Nominate 10 blogs.
4. Put links to their blogs
5. Leave a message for your nominees.
Here are my nominees:
Jill S.
Kim S.
There are so many blogs I could choose from for this was hard narrowing it to 10. To get all sappy, but sincere, on you, I believe this award should go to all the blogs I all make my heart smile.
Now I am off to bed. I need to rest up on the off chance Wednesday makes like Tuesday and behaves like Monday. Nighty-night.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I'm So Not Into Golf...Or At Least I Didn't Used To Be
I will, however, let you in on my comings and goings over the past few days and it does involve golf. Keith was able to score a couple of tickets to the Masters tournament for Thursday. Assuming most of you would not know this, I must inform you the tickets are extremely hard to come by. When he told me of his windfall and requested I go with him I had to take a breath, count to ten and then respond. I am not really a golf fan. I've been to the Masters in my past life and found it to be, shall I say, boring. The crowds are so large, nabbing a spot with a good view is a challenge. I considered it a "waste" of a vacation day to stare at the back of a multitude of avid golf fans volleying for a better view of grown men chasing a tiny white ball on a what-I-must-admit BEAUTIFUL sea of green. But he is my guy and for him I would do most anything.
Keith drove to Asheville on Wednesday night and we headed out early Thursday morning on the 3-1/2 hour drive to Augusta. But Keith was a bundle of nerves the entire...and I DO mean ENTIRE...trip. Not sure of what I had done, I was confused by his behavior. I had been a good girl and was ready to leave on time...not that I am EVER sirree. But my happy-go-lucky guy was a grumpy puss. He was either on the phone or carrying on one-sided conversations with himself regarding his interpretation of the inaccuracies of his GPS. He usually LOVES that little lady in the much so that I've labeled her "the other woman". But he had no love for her that day. In fact, he may have even called her a few names from time to time. All because she directed him to take a few two lane roads. Being from Atlanta, if you can't drive 90 mph then what's the point. This would be the view from my seat as we moved slowly down the highway. Ignore the dirty windshield. This car has spent many hours accumulating an enormous bug collection that would cause any 5th grade science teacher to squeal with delight.
Not a fan of slow moving trucks and never one to pleasantly follow, Keith was beside himself. Rather than enjoy the journey and partake in amorous conversation with the girl of his dreams (that would be me) , this is what he chose to do.
I just realized you can't tell from this pic, but he is On! The! Phone! So... this would be me.
I look oh-so-happy, now don't I? Despite Keith's lack of faith, "the other woman" did get us to our destination exactly when she said she would. But remember how I say life can sometimes have a wicked sense of humor? Well, life was havin' himself a good ol' belly laugh that day. We had to make a quick stop to pick up our passes and wouldn't you know, the contractor who had offered the passes to Keith had just given one of them away...even though a confirmation call had been made the day before. Keith just sat there expelling this string of chuckles that others would most likely interpret as a jovial expression, but I knew better. Because the contractor was one of his customers, he couldn't actually say "What the H...! You ^&#*ing Moron" So he just smiled...and laughed. To make a very long story short, his customer took us to lunch, made numerous phone calls and was able to get us another pass. Whew! With tummies full of tasty shrimp and tickets in hand, we made our way to the course.
The weather was beautiful. The crowd was amiable. The course was spectacular. And the golfing...was actually great! I only got rooted out of my viewing spot once and it was by a very large and heavily-southern-accented woman. I started to write "lady", but she was no southern belle. I laughed it off, but if she had messed with me again, I would have planted my over-sized foot in her excessively pompous fanny! Otherwise, everyone was friendly and willing to shuffle in order to allow a good view for all. I found it to be a most enjoyable day. As for Keith? Once we were inside the gates, he lost his crabby attitude and returned to the guy I know and love.
So there you have it. The start of my Easter holiday. It continued to be a fantastic weekend. Lots of family time, some hard work around the house, way too much food and a wonderful church service today. I sincerely hope you all had a very happy Easter filled with much love and laughter.
P.S. Tiger and Mickelson fell out of the running on the 18th hole, but the tournament ended in a 3-way sudden death play-off. Now you've gotta admit, that makes for some goo-oo-ood TV watchin'!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I Have A Tummy Ache
After carting my purchases to the lot and unloading them in my trunk, I quickly glanced from side to side and over my shoulder in order to ensure no one was watching what I was getting ready to do. What the parking lot crowd did not realize was that as I loaded the bags in the car, I strategically placed them where my unintended purchases would be easily accessible. Fairly certain I did not have an audience, I nabbed a carton of frozen mini cheesecake bites and tucked them inside my sweater. I'm not really sure why I felt the need to sneak around with the food I paid for. It wasn't like I had stolen the goodies. They were technically and legally mine. No matter, I proceeded to quickly climb in the car and lock the doors. Yeah, like that would stop any one from seeing the carnage that was about to take place.
You know those wonderful plastic wrappers designed to protect consumers from possible food tampering? Well I had war with one of them. The more I tried to rip off that wrapper the more stubborn it became. It finally succumbed after a few rounds with my car keys. And then, my friends, I indulged. Never mind that the mini cheesecake bites looked freezer burned. I ate. And I ate. And I ate. Forgot to mention they were chocolate mini cheesecake bites...need I say more? To my credit, I exhibited some restraint and stopped after eating only half the carton. However, the chocolate left a very visible reminder of my parking lot picnic. I had it on my face, my cute new white T-shirt and under every one of my finger nails. Well, most of my fingernails. I was actually able to suck the crumbs from under a few of them.

Now you would think that would be enough. But no! Once I got home, I also ate half a container of Ben & Jerry's Americone Dream. THEN...I ate dinner...a delicious, fat-free turkey dog on a low calorie whole wheat bun. A girl's gotta save those calories wherever she can!
Four Tums and two Gas-X later and I am still miserable. Oh well, I should have listened to that sage advice that everyone is always sharing...Never, EVER go to the grocery store hungry!!!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Taming "The Girls"
Once upon a time, there lived a girl who was not only obsessed with her funny looking feet, but she had other...bigger...issues. She was blessed with what so many women relinquished family treasures to acquire...a nice ample bosom! Now there could have been a time when she would have seen this as a gift and not a curse. But when you are blossoming as others are budding...well, let's just say the young lassie began to wonder if an evil wicked witch had it in for her. Friend and foe alike brought constant attention to her abnormality. Amid pointed fingers and whispers, the girl suffered in silence as she had no clue as to how to break the curse.
Time passed and the girl became a young lady. Others reached the stage of being fully developed and she no longer found herself to be as unique as she had in her adolescent years. But it was still obvious that she was more than abundantly blessed. One particularly happy day, she found herself realizing her dream of being a mommy. She was settling in at home with her brand new bundle of joy when she stepped in front of her mirror, mirror on the wall and gasped in horror. The evil wicked witch had cursed her yet again. Just as Cinderella's fairy godmother had turned a pumpkin into a carriage, this girl's evil wicked enemy had transformed her large breasts into enormous watermelons. Tears streaked her face as she realized she would be doomed for all eternity. No Prince Charming could rescue her...she only had a precious baby boy to love, one who would find nourishment from the ridiculously overgrown milk bags.
More time passed and a second little one entered her life. For reasons unknown to the now young woman, the wicked witch backed off. As her wee little loves began to grow into precious toddlers, her super-sized chest began to shrink. She thought she had finally found happily ever after!
Happy endings can sometimes have a short shelf life and this would be the case in our story. Mr. Not-So-Prince-Charming ran off with another beautiful princess. And Father time, along with grumpy old Gravity, had taken their toll on our heroine's...errrr...assets. Hoping to one day find her real Prince Charming, the girl was sad to realize the witch might actually have the last laugh...she may one day have to uncover these sagging uglies to her new knight in shining armour.
She thought and thought. Then the idea struck to enlist the help of the magicians called plastic surgeons. With their knives and potions she could return to the beautifully bosomed girl of her youth. Moments of sheer delight passed as she pondered her ability to once and for all tell that wicked witch to shove it! Having never shared her thoughts with another soul, she was ready to confide in her dearest friend, Nurse Karen. Being the ever faithful friend, Nurse Karen felt it her obligation to inform the flopsy bosomed lady of the secret techniques used by the magicians when wielding their reconstructive magic. What the lady heard that day caused her heart to stop and a bone-chilling fear to take hold of her entire being. It was at that moment she made peace with the evil wicked witch and chose to create a different kind of happily ever after.
So now you know the story behind my consideration of plastic surgery. Yes, I am the girl in the story. Oh...what was the secret that caused me to recoil in fear? Truth or not, all I needed to hear was that the surgery begins by Cutting. Off. My. Nipples. OUCH! And DOUBLE OUCH!!! Now, each and every morning, I smile as I corral my breasts from their sans-bra state of dangling at my waist and hiding under my arms to be lovingly tucked inside their harness. I smile because I know that despite whatever that wicked witch had in mind, she would NEVER get me to chop off my nee-nee's!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Have You Ever...
Have you ever wanted to be famous, if only for a day?
Have you ever gotten caught telling a lie?
Have you ever wished someone else could walk a day in your shoes?
Have you ever been rude and not apologized for it?
Have you ever truly felt God's arms around you?
Have you ever apologized years later for a wrong done?
Have you ever wished upon a star?
Have you ever wondered what heaven will be like?
Have you ever had your heart broken?
Have you ever cried happy tears?
Have you ever wanted to be one of the Brady Bunch, particularly Marcia?
Have you ever worried you aren't a good mother?
Have you ever literally felt your heart swell with pride?
Have you ever longed for a "do over"?
Have you ever secretly explored cosmetic surgery only to recoil in fear at the thought of actually doing it?
Have you ever prayed for another day with someone you love?
Have you ever felt your shoulders sag from all the responsibility?
Have you ever dreamed about winning the lottery?
Have you ever wished someone could make all the decisions for you?
Have you ever laughed until you cried?
Have you ever envied someone else?
Have you ever had regrets?
Have you ever danced like no one is watching even when you knew they were?
Have you ever felt at complete peace with yourself?
The answer...
..."Yes, I have."