Yep! It's that time again. Time to pull out the ol' swimsuit and wrangle myself into it. I have only one word for this...U-G-L-Y! Pasty white, excessive flesh being wrestled into submission...ugly. Losing the battle to cover abundant wads of dimpled skin with a few strips of cloth...also ugly. Leaves me wishing like heck I had passed on all that cake. And I am now on a mission to find the perfect streak-free sunless tanning product 'cause we all know tanned fat is waaayyy better than un-tanned fat! DUH! Dear, oh dear, it's that time of year!!!
Last year I was lucky enough to skip swimsuit season! Don't know how I did it, but it was quite nice. However, that mini vacation from this hellish ordeal has left me in a much worse state than before. Donning the bikini usually serves as a wake up call. A slap in the face, or a kick in the enlarged fanny, telling me to sew my mouth shut for a few weeks and shed my winter pudge. Without that little warning bell last year, I am now burdened with the task of dumping the results of 2 years of excessive eating. It's either that or I need to go in search of a flattering muu-muu! All of this has left me with a recent bout of crabbiness...swimsuits make most women crabby, don't ya think? But this little battle of the bulge vs. bikini bliss lead to a revelation. Another notch on my lovin'-myself belt. Have you ever noticed how some people carry themselves with confidence? No matter their physical state of being, they are just freakin' confident. No worries, no fears of what others think. They are just happy!
Of course, this caused me to stop and really think about the differences in me and those other folk. A perfect example of "the other folk" would be Susan Boyle. Right now, most all the world knows of Susan Boyle. For those of you who have been hiding under a rock lately and missed it, she is the break out celebrity with the phenominal voice on Britian's Got Talent.

Not your typical celebrity, Susan is what most would describe as homely. Not a beauty in the traditional sense. But this girl has got it goin' on! When I first watched her audition, I was taken aback by her confidence. She had a swagger. A fierceness within her. An unspoken voice that is stronger than even her amazing singing talent that screams...I LOVE MYSELF! No matter the snickers from the audience, no matter the patronizing glares and comments from the judges, she knew she was special. And oh was she special! That beauty of a soul opened her mouth and out came the voice of an angel!
Chills ran down my spine and I was in awe. As was each and every person who heard her! After she completed her song, to a standing ovation, she waved a thank you and turned to leave the stage. She didn't wait for the judging. And while I'm sure that was just a mistake...a bit of nerves...I found it to be utterly symbolic. She did not need the judges' comments or approval. She KNEW she had done well. She had accomplished her mission of wowing the crowd and she needed nothing else. What an incredible thing to witness!
So how does this tie into my recent woeful swimsuit episode? For all the worrying and fretting over how I look in my swimsuit, why on earth should I really care? Is it really all that important that I need approving glances from others? I am certain Susan Boyle has her demons. We all do. It is part of being human. But she has found that inner peace that, at least to the rest of the world, keeps the demons in their tiny little cage. And all that shows is the beauty of her strength of self. Her ability to focus on her strong points and forget the rest. Today I want to be like Susan Boyle. I want to hold my head high and walk with an air of inner peace. And when the time comes, I want to be able to wear my bikini and be glad of the fact that I have wonderful friends and family with which to share the sunshine. And to heck with the rest of it!
To see a vidoe of Susan's performance, click HERE.
Amen to that girl! Awesome message here!
This post just brought me to tears.....U KNOW I loveeeeeeeeeeeee that woman (little miffed she came is 2nd place...whatever!)....but U hit the NAIL right on the HEAD!!!!!!!!! I haven't worn a BATHING SUIT in a real longgggggggggggggggg time....but after "meeting" Susan through this world of technology.....that just might change this year! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
ReplyDeleteNo more calling your body UGLY... because it's not... it's you... & you are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteHave a great week! :-)
Amazing post, and totally inspirational! Love the message!
ReplyDeleteIt's so easy to love others BUT to love ourselves well, that's a bit of a struggle at times! Keep that gorgeous head of yours up and show the world your "hot bathing suit body"! YOU are BEAUTIFUL!
ReplyDeleteI'm about 25 kilos overweight, and sometimes it bothers me, sometimes it doesn't. Most of the times I don't like my body, but I don't think it shows all that much, I've been getting pretty good in not showing my feelings to the world when it comes to this subject. Actually, I still don't really know how I feel about this. Sometimes I want to go on a diet and really do something about it, because hey, we all want to look our best don't we. Other times, and I tell you, this moods of mine can shift in a minute, I think, to hell with it, this is me, take me as I am. I don't have any control over these feelings, and I still don't know which feeling is the best. I suppose I'm happier when I'm feeling good about myself, but this mood also allows me to keep eating and not taking care of my health, which isn't good at all. I actually use this state of mind to keep indulging my vices you might say. I wish I could feel happy about myself and restrain my huge appetite at the same time, but I haven't reached that point yet. Maybe someday...
ReplyDeleteI hope this made sense LOL, if not, at least it shows that you are not the only one having problems with the perception of your own body.
Love xxx Peggy
It is funny how different people view things....When I read your words below and thought back to it, I had an entirely different perspective. To me she seemed like someone who knows she can sing and yet part of her doesn't believe just how good she is. She didn't wait to be judged because she had done her thing (which she said was to ENTER the competition - not win it) and didn't think it was going to go any further then that. For many people - myself included.....we can be good at lots of thing and great at nothing. I think Susan feels that way too and this was her one amazing "I am great at something" if only for a moment". There is also something many people in America do not take into account when watching her too. She is British and the way the British see things is a lot different to the way Americans do. My mother was British and so much like Susan. I know that personality only too well as I inherited it too and I also fight against constantly. Just thought I would share a different point of view but I agree 100% she has an amazing voice and I wish she won.
ReplyDelete"Chills ran down my spine and I was in awe. As was each and every person who heard her! After she completed her song, to a standing ovation, she waved a thank you and turned to leave the stage. She didn't wait for the judging. And while I'm sure that was just a mistake...a bit of nerves...I found it to be utterly symbolic. She did not need the judges' comments or approval. She KNEW she had done well. She had accomplished her mission of wowing the crowd and she needed nothing else. What an incredible thing to witness!"
Just as an add on - watch the final and watch her expressions the whole time and her body language
Awesome post! I haven't worn a bathing suit in 2 years and just yesterday was offered a free weekend at the beach, what a timely post this is for me! lol Thanks girl!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Inspirational to get over ourselves lol!! We are what we are and don't need everyone else to care!!
ReplyDeleteHi Lisa, I admit I have my days of dought, but then I remember this: We often concentrate on what we don't have instead of beeing thankfull for what we do have. It brings back the confidence in me. I tried on my swimsuit and they are all to big for me now. I lost to much weight, so what I will do is get a new one that fit's me and enjoy the summer. Even if people tell me that I am too skinny, as long as I feel good about myself, that what counts.
ReplyDeleteHave a great day! I think my blog of today will uplift your spirit.
Wonderful post, Lisa - I think we need to all love ourselves a little more, or at least not be so critical.
ReplyDeleteYou wear your bikini and be proud! :)
Bathing suit time, equals stress time equals walking out of the store with a headache and slumped shoulders!!!! I so agree with you on this one sweet friend!!! We are so very hard on ourselves and I cannot believe the battle with the bathing suit and you!!!! You are BEAUTIFUL, so step out and show it off!!! Have a great week and I will call you later in the week!!! Love ya!!
ReplyDeleteAmen Sista....But you won't see me in a swim siut this year....Mostly because of the obnoxious baby stretch marks, partly the weight excess but really I BURN bad when I get in the sun. Burn and peel and that is not good. I stay out of the sun. You need to proudly wear your suit if ya want to. Yes and your wellness 30 day plan should first and foremost start with loving you just the way you are!!!!Hugs sweet friend.
ReplyDeleteOh Lisa!!! You think to much!! Your beautiful!!! You know that saying "dance like no one's watching etc..... We miss our on life when we worry about that stuff!!! As a society we are to much into looks and weight!! I will say it again...You are gorgrous inside and out!!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Lisa! Thanks for visiting my blog world! :0) What a great post today...I think we ALL fret about swimsuit season...even those that WE think are perfect have their own issues, what to do about getting into that suit? Guess we just do it, huh??? Take care!
ReplyDeleteHalelujah! Now if I could just convince my thighs to come out of hiding:)
ReplyDeleteCrawling out from under rock, that was a good description of who Susan Boyle is! What a moving post! (I still am not going anywhere near my bathing suit today, I might need alcohol to confront that demon.
ReplyDeleteoh my, your words!! ahh I get captivated in your writing, whether I am laughing, agreeing, or getting inspired by what you write!! I just LOVE it!! ahhh and can we hide from swim suit season together anyways? :)
ReplyDeleteOh said exactly what I've been thinking...although I couldn't even BEGIN to think about wearing a bikini (or even a suit without a skirt!) I really need to stop caring so much what other people think about me. Honestly, they are probably just as self conscious as me!
ReplyDeleteWell said Lisa!
ReplyDeleteI think about this often and wonder how can that be?...
"Have you ever noticed how some people carry themselves with confidence? No matter their physical state of being, they are just freakin' confident."
Sad to say I realize where my thinking is totally askew and yet I keep doing it. To be able to find that inner peace and self acceptance would be divine.
I just read in my newspaper this morning that Susan Boyle is hospitalized for "emotional exhaustion"!
ReplyDeleteThe poor sweet soul....everyone took advantage of her and she was not as strong as everyone perceived her to be. The paper did state that as an infant she was "oxygen deprived at birth"....technically that means she was/is developmentally delayed...everyone took her as being overly sheltered in life...shame on everyone in the media for not being more aware.....
Wahoo! You go girl. I skipped swimsuit season last year as well because I was pregnant and had the perfect excuse. To be honest I wouldn't mind if I skipped it again. Not so much because of what other people will think but man are swimsuit uncomfortable. They are tight and fit wrong it all the right places. Ugh! Maybe I need a new swimsuit. FYI- My miracle tanning cream for all my cute spring dresses is the Jergens Express Tan. LOVE IT, doesn't smell or leave streaks. It takes a couple days to get a couple shades darker not dramatic which is fine with me. Give it a try.
ReplyDeleteGirl, all I can say is "Tankini!" They work great!!
ReplyDeleteAnd I did see Susan Boyle, bless her heart! I was sooooo irritated she came in 2nd!! But now she is known.
I'm a huge fan of Susan's, I think she was robbed. If I were the Queen, I'd much prefer to listen to her sing then to watch the act that won dance.
ReplyDeleteI hate swim suit season. Nuff said.